Use these guidelines to make sure you're prepared for your moderated session.
NOTE: Please carefully review this information. If you don't follow these guidelines, you might receive a reduced payment or you may not receive any payment at all.
During your moderated session, be sure to:
Participate in a well-lit and quiet room
Use headphones so the moderator can hear you clearly
Focus on the moderator by making eye contact and listening carefully to their questions
Stay in one place, unless the moderator asks you to do otherwise
Position your webcam or mobile device so the moderator can clearly hear and see you
Avoid eating, drinking, or smoking during the session
Avoid multitasking during the session
Avoid having multiple people in the room who may distract you
Avoid speaking to other people other than the moderator during the session
Avoid public Wi-Fi (like coffee shops or restaurants) as these spaces often have unreliable connectivity
Avoid rescheduling your session multiple times. Sessions that have been rescheduled more than once may be canceled and could result in removal from our panel.
Avoid canceling your session within a few hours of the scheduled time. If this is an emergency/one-off situation, please contact us so that we let the moderator know. If this happens often, it could result in removal from our panel.
Be respectful of the moderator's time. They have scheduled time to meet with you and are waiting for you!